Antharagange – Exploring the Caves 19/04/2015

Places: Antharagange, Keelu Kote, Kolar, Karnataka

Distance: 75 * 2 = 150 kms
Route: Vijaynagar -> Kolar -> Anthargange -> Kolar -> Vijaynagar
Crew:  Abdul, Arun, Kalpesh, Linga and Sagar (Myself)
Type: Trekk (optional) & Sight Seeing, Temple.
Ideal for: Friends & Family

Bikes: Bajaj Discover and Honda Trigger

Budget: 300/Head

Best of the Beast: Sun rise
Brief about the place:
  • Known as Dakshina Kashi  is a series of rocky hills situated in the Shathashrunga mountain range. 
  •  There is a temple named Kashivishweshwara Temple in front of the pond dedicated to Lord Shiva 
  •  The pond gets continuous water stream from Nandi throughout the year. The origin of the water is unknown but believed that the water is falling from head of Lord Shiva.
  • Visitors carry this holy water in bottles because it is also believed that one can get rid of the diseases by drinking this holy water of Antaragange.
  • There are seven villages on this mountain  

Sunday morning: 
We hit the road as early as 4.30 am to avoid intense Sun while trekking as it was summer. Headed towards Kolar on National Highway 4. I had never been on this route before, the silky smooth road and low traffic made the ride exiting. Sun started wiping the darkness away turning sky red. Reached kolar at 7 am, after entering Kolar city a left turn would lead to Anthargange Caves. Had breakfast at nearby hotel and we were set to visit Anthargange.

Stopped on the way to see Sunrise
NH4: Silky Smooth Road

Anthargange: Parked vehicle at the base and started walking towards the temple, there are 350 stairs which would lead to temple, path is surrounded by trees on both the sides. We saw hundreds of butterflies flying around. Thats when we got to know Anthargange is home for hundreds of species of butterflies (Sadly no blogs have mentioned about this).
As soon as we entered temple premises lot of monkeys welcomed us. There is a Pond at the Temple which is filled by an underground spring the origins of which are unknown. The holy water is believe to cure deseases, visiters get water filled in bottle.

0 kms to Anthargange
Kashi of south: Arch at the entrance
350 stairs leading to the temple
Path is covered by trees on both the sides
“OM” painted on the surrounding rocks
Butterflies: Anthargange is home for hundreds of species of Butterflies
You could see them at morning
Busy bee finding the perfect flower to prepare honey we eat
Very well maintained path till the temple
Monkeys welcoming us
Sri Kashivereshwar swami temple
Other view of the temple
Water coming from Basava, source of the water is unknown
The holy water is believed to cure deseased
Another view of Pushkarani
The Trek: After the temple visit, we hit the trekking trail which starts just behind the temple. The 2 kms trekking trail is well defined with boulders on both sides. As you climb up the scenery is spectacular with all shapes and sizes of boulders enveloping you.

Starting path leading to the hill top
Carved stairs at some places
but most of the route is rough but clear
After half an hour of trek we met local kids who offered to guide through Caves but we decided to explore the place by ourself as we had a lot of time (and that was a bad decision). We asked the direction from them and headed to the caves. The caves were really thrilling but we didn’t go deep into the caves as we had no idea to come back if struck. Caves weren’t much exiting for us, we moved on. We were falling short of water and everyone was getting dehydrated. Someone said there is water source available at the top which gave us some relief. Finally we reached a flat area with good road facility. There are 7 villages on the hill top. There was a mosque where we got drinking water. We cooled down for half an hour and started trekking again.

Exploring the caves
Exploring the caves
Flat gound on the hill top
housing seven villages

There is good road transportation till the hill top
Mosque at the top
Relaxing for some time before we finally reach the top
We took the route behind the mosque, it was harldy 15 mins trek to reach the peak. Unlike other hills which are pointed on the peak this one is horizontal on the peak.

Its hot, isn’t it?
Few more steps till the top
View on left
View on right

Chalo ek group photo lete hai
View from the top
You can see NH4 road
You can relaz under this caves on the top.
Seems like some people were playing games here

Trekking down

The shop near mosque opened at 11 am we had cold drinks and fruits to fill our tummy. We started the down trekking. We filled up water near the temple again and headed back to Bangalore. Reached bangalore back by 2 pm.

Important Notes: 
  • Antaragange is over populated by wild monkeys. Do not carry food or eatables in front of Monkeys because it grabs anything from the visitors.
  • If you want to see the butterflies then the best time is morning before 8am after which all butterflies disappers.
  • Do take guide from local kids, I know we all like to explore the places by ourself but guide is a must at this place.
Don’t forget to +1 or Like and leave a comment below. 

Update: Watch the below vilog of the Antargange which was shot on March 2017

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  1. Hi Sagar,

    Can you please pass me your number, need to talk to you 🙂 I loved reading your travel experiences and I am a solo traveller.